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Shift a core brand idea to drive growth

Shrine shot_old lady.jpg


Using light to change behavior

service provided: 

product design, strategy, interaction design, video storytelling

PenPal is a design project intended to explore how to enable people to be more creative. The concept explores the use of color and light as a communication tool.

PenPal enables a circle of friends to see what each other are working on and provides the extra nudge to help them get started on their own personal projects. The pen records the duration of time a person writes and can recommend the best times throughout the day for its user to be productive.

The pen connects to an app that recognizes when a friend is writing. When someone within their circle of friends begins to write, the pen flashes twice and then shuts off. The user can then look at the app or on the web to see what their friends are working on. Depending on what others are doing the app will indicate if they are writing, sketching or just taking quick notes.