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Books List

George Crichlow

For my thesis i’m exploring reading several books to gain insights and new understanding to help me design solutions:

I am currently reading four books:

Think Like A Freak

Present Sock

The Fall of Alphas

Design Revolution

So far i’ve learned that when tackling a problem its important to frame the question.  When you reframe the problem you get dramatically different solutions.  In Think Like a Freak, they site the hotdog eating champion for his analytical approach to competitive eating. He broken down the problem, creating best practices and used feedback to create a new solution, hence shattering existing hotdog eating numbers.

In Present Shock, time greatly affects how we process information and how our perception of reality. How we consumer information changes how we perceive the world around us.

The Fall of Alphas, thus far takes an anthropological looks at how effective leaders lead. So far what i’ve discovered is that traditional norms of the charismatic leader is a false premise. To be effective you have to empower others to do what they are best at, rather than trying to control every aspect about a business.

Design Revolution, I found breaks down design by element and shows how people have come up with unique solutions to solves for basic problems.


when designing you have to look at the problem from many perspectives and consultant with many people to before designing a solution.

More to come soon…